Membership Program
How to know if you need leadership training, and personal and professional development.
You know how to do your own job well and can always rely on yourself. But now you’re a leader or a manager.
It’s like you’re the carpenter who’s got control over your tools and you know what you’re going to do and how to do it. You know the standard you want.
Now you’re in charge of people. In a respectful sense they become your tools, but you’ve got no control over them. They do things differently. They take a longer or shorter time than you want. They have different values. They think differently. And you’re too scared to say anything because:
- they may not like you (hint: first rule of management – it’s not a popularity contest)
- you might fail as a manager (how can you be assured of success when you’ve never done it before and had no training)
- they might think you’re a bitch (not if you know what to say and how to say it – and you can learn that)
- they may not take you seriously (it’s about how you show up)
- you don’t feel competent as a manager (this reduces your confidence because we get our confidence from being competent)
All of the above, are stories you’re telling yourself.
It doesn’t need to be this way. There are things you can learn and do.
“Leadership is about becoming the type of person others trust to take them where they want to go” – John Maxwell.
That’s why you need leadership training so you can learn and grow.
Now, you have a new, terrifyingly exciting idea: what if I actually could become a better leader?!
What if I didn’t have to work 9+ hour days, 6 days a week to get all of the tasks done?
What if I wasn’t the only one who people turned to when sh*t hit the fan?
What if I actually could trust my team to do a good job?
I want to let you in on something: these desires of yours aren’t pie-in-the-sky wishes.
They’re possible and achievable.
In fact, with the right support they’re inevitable.
Even if, at the moment, your day-to-day looks more like this:

- It feels like there’s a huge gap between you, and those mythical leaders and managers who don’t spend their days doing the grunt work.
- You’re constantly having to deal with people issues.
- You’re sick of having to pick up the slack and take care of things that you’ve delegated to the people on your team. Why can’t they just do it like you?
- You use the lack of responsibility/initiative/competence in your team as evidence that it’s hard to find good people.
- You have brief, fleeting moments of satisfaction (mixed with exhaustion) as you head home for the day. But then you remember you’re responsible for keeping this whole team or department running, and that when you wake up tomorrow… you’ll have to do it all again.
If these are ringing true, there’s good news: believe it or not, you’re in exactly the right place to succeed.
You can get your department and team running smoothly without you. Your team’s potential? It’s already enough.
But taking your idea of being a good leader and manager from pipe dream to reality does require this:
Practical and effective leadership over yourself, your people, and your communication.
What it takes to become a practical and effective leader
The truth is, you already have the qualities that make up a practical, highly effective leader.
You’re open to growth and learning about yourself.
You take ownership and make things happen.
You care about your people (even if right now they feel like the primary cause of your high blood pressure).
The only reason your people and processes aren’t currently functioning like a well-oiled machine?
You haven’t been shown how to take those qualities of yours, and bring them to life in a practical, effective and immediate way….
…in a way that gets your team
- listening to what you say
- taking initiative
- following (and even developing!) processes that work
No matter how much fluffy theory you’ve come across until now, these practical leadership skills can be learned.
And over my 21+ years in business, I’ve developed a proven pathway to help you do exactly that.
This is the Practical Leader Membership
Reclaim your freedom by leading your people, your processes and yourself with confidence.
The Practical Leader Membership is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly how to communicate, motivate, and lead your people — but how to do so in a way that finally gives you the freedom to get your life back.
Leaders and manages who manage 10+ staff but still run on ‘empty’ are dying to get to choose when they work, and what they work on.
This freedom happens when your people have the support they need to follow processes that work AND when you have the self-awareness it takes to realise how much effect and control you do have in your work and life.
Joining the Practical Leader Membership gives you immediate access to a toolbox of techniques and real-time support to bring these skills to life every day.
You’ll be honing your leadership skills by discovering how to actually:
- Communicate with people whose learning styles and personalities are different from yours
- Assert yourself and create win-win outcomes
- Develop your confidence and competence to set and achieve goals with more ease than ever before
- And so much more
THAT is what practical, effective leadership looks like.
“From previous contact with Shirley, I knew the Membership would challenge and improve me.
Since joining the membership I have gained a better insight into myself, what I want and how I can help others. I specifically like the Q&A sessions that give direct access to Shirley. The principles Shirley talks about are applicable to everyone.”
Peter Coughlan
Everything you need to become a great leader or manager
Training. Systems. Personal growth. A driven community that’s got your back.
This membership brings it all together for you.
Like to have a chat to Shirley first? Book a time that suits us both.
If you’ve already been given the title of leader or manager, there are ONLY THREE reasons you don’t have the confidence you desire or the freedom you need yet…
- You don’t know how to communicate with every person you lead in a way that resonates with them.
- You don’t have systems and processes in place that are easier for people to get right than they are to get wrong
- You have an ‘overworked leader’ mindset.
Once you begin putting into practice what you learn from this membership, none of these will keep you from being a great leader or manager.
You’ll know exactly how to lead your team to the kind of success that creates space for you to be the leader you most want to be and get time freedom.
Because all the answers are in the following modules:
My Proven 3-Step Blueprint for Business Freedom
There are only 3 areas to master, People, Process and Possibility. You can start at the beginning with Getting to Know Yourself and work through all 9 modules from start to finish or you can start anywhere on the Blueprint for Business Freedom. As long as you master all three, you’ll become a confident leader and get back more time.
When you join the membership, you can start where you need the most help or you can choose an area that’s going to give you a quick return. All the content has been designed for you, the busy manager or leader to consume quickly and easily with practical easy to implement action steps you can take straight away. Afterall, I know you want results and you want them fast.

Step 1: People
Module 1: Know myself
Module 2: Know others
Module 3: Good communication skills
Most people think that developing highly-effective people skills is something you’ve got to be naturally good at. But that’s just not true. I’ll teach you the exact techniques and skills it takes to master how you relate to and communicate with others. (Sure, this will have an instant effect at work. But watch it transform your relationships in your personal life too!)

Step 2: Process
Module 5: Role clarity
Module 6: Documented procedures
Processes and systems are what keep your business running. Once they’re spot-on, your people will finally be able to take ownership of their roles. There are specific frameworks I’ve used to hone processes as a systems consultant and COO, and you get access to all of them in this membership.

Step 3: Possibility
Module 7: Shared vision and goals
Module 8: Easily create and manifest
Module 9: Clear obstacles
You’re not new at taking an idea and bringing it to life. Afterall, that’s what’s helped you get to this point. But there are untapped powerful tools and ways of thinking you can use to turn your ideas and ‘one-days’ into reality, with more speed and ease than you’ve ever known.
“I joined the Membership to understand myself and put what I learn into action. I especially like the personal interactions and questions. It isn’t just webinars.
I can highly recommend the membership. It’s real and there’s so much to gain from the knowledge offered from Shirley.”
Luke Darcy
Shirley’s leadership knowledge and ability to understand what’s needed to move you forward is quite remarkable.
Her signature Blueprint for Business Freedom provides a wonderful blend of understanding yourself better, developing your people skills and how to communicate more effectively, developing business processes to streamline your business and using metaphysical modalities to remove blocks and manifest what you most want in life and business.
If you’re a leader looking for business growth while getting back more time to focus on what lights you up, I highly encourage you to work with Shirley.
Kellie O’Brien , Director, Kellie O’Brien Media
What happens inside?
The Practical Leader Membership
$99 AUD/month
Like to have a chat to Shirley first? Book a time that suits us both.
If we haven’t met yet…

I’m Shirley Dalton.
Qualified leadership and systems expert and trainer.
I could give you a long list of achievements and tell you allll about my degrees in psychology and education… but I don’t have a huge ego, nor do I have a big need to prove myself.
So here’s what matters most: I’m here to help you be, do, and have the life and career you want.
Your success is my success.
Which is why I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn from the best in leadership, systems and personal development.
It’s all been brought to life throughout my 21+ years experience in supporting managers and leaders to lead their teams in a way that gives them back their freedom….
Business owners like Steve & Emma who sold their business to sail around the Caribbean; Heidi and Greg who built a sailing boat and took 6 months away from the business and sailed the Whitsundays in Australia; Meg and Ray who each got back an extra day a month in time; Mark and Monica who took the family on a 6 week holiday to Europe; and Mark who fulfilled a lifelong dream of travelling to Antarctica.
Even if you’re less interested in sipping Mai Tais in Hawaii than you are about getting back time for the important stuff — like family, friends and…weekends! — supporting people like you to get results like these is what truly lights me up.
Now, you get my years of experience and time spent learning from the best, distilled into the exact precise bit of information you need right now to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
We began working with Shirley to analyse our organisation – workflow, roles, systems – to identify problem areas, document procedures and release the business owners to actually have some time off, and also focus on business growth.
Twelve months later, I [Heidi] took 5 weeks off work (the first instalment of long-overdue long service leave) which gave me brain-space to apply focused attention on the expansion of our interstate business.
Over the next 5 years, we changed our business model, experienced tremendous growth, created additional positions and employed staff.
And my husband and I enjoyed six months sailing the Whitsundays in Queensland on our yacht. Shirley’s amazing ability to clearly analyse our very detailed business is the key factor in our huge progress.
Heidi & Greg Turton, Macquarie Educational Tours
You’ll start thinking like a Practical Leader as soon as you join the membership
You don’t have to wait weeks, or months to start seeing results from the content and support within these virtual walls. As soon as you join, you’ll receive a welcome email with your login details and directions to your orientation page. From here, you can pick your first training to jump into and start implementing what you’ve learnt in your work and life immediately.
The quality and applicability of the content within has been proven by the founding and current members, as well as clients who have attended my 4-day workshop series, individual work, and presentation participants.
But if you’re still feeling hesitant, that’s normal. Afterall…
If you’re going to sign up for something, it needs to be worth your time investment as much as it’s worth your financial investment
That’s why the Practical Leader Membership comes with a 100% risk-free guarantee. If after 15 days, you’ve completed at least 2 bite-sized trainings and attended the mastermind call but still don’t notice any positive impact in your everyday work/life, email me at and I’ll refund your money the same day.
After the 14-day guarantee period you can cancel anytime with 15 days notice and you won’t be charged for the next month.
Sound like a worthwhile risk-free move to make?
Like to have a chat to Shirley first? Book a time that suits us both.
Is this membership only suited for a certain type of leader?
You’ll learn how others show up differently to you, and why different types of communicators drive you nuts. Then you’ll learn how to speak the ‘language’ of different people so you can all get on the same page and effectively lead from there.
Is this for business owners only? I want to enrol my GM/COO/team leader in this...
This program is for anyone in your business who needs to be able to lead people, processes and possibility. If you’re considering it for your 2IC or someone in your leadership team, this membership will equip them with the skills and tools they need to think like a leader and develop the ownership, accountability and responsibility it takes to create a self-sustaining business. If you’re already a COO or manager, then this is a perfect fit for you.
I’m new in business/management/only manage a handful of team members. Will this be too ‘advanced’ for me?
No, this is a great place for you to build rock-solid foundations that will see you through all stages of being a leader. Plus, being surrounded by leaders in later stages of growth will bring you lightyears ahead of the learning curve.
I’m a seasoned business owner/entrepreneur. Is this membership going to be too ‘beginner level’ for me?
Let me ask you: have you achieved your business freedom goals yet? If not, then this membership is not too basic for you.
Even if you’ve attended your fair share of in-person leadership seminars/workshops, read a handful of management books, or even earned yourself tertiary qualifications in leadership, the content and support within this membership provides the practical tools and techniques that go BEYOND theory…and help you develop yourself and others in a real, result-generating way.
As a seasoned business owner, you’ll get inspired by peers who are operating at your level and higher, you’ll learn from my 21+ years’ experience, and you might learn a thing or two from the fresher leaders in the membership, too!
I’ve never been a ‘group’ person. I’m a leader, not a joiner.
I want individual support. Is that possible?
I only offer a limited amount of individual support spots, which starts at a five-figure yearly investment. To see if any are available, head over here. Otherwise, you’ll get individual support from me in the membership — either in our mastermind calls, or the group discussions.
I don’t live in Australia. Can I join?
Can I get a refund if the membership’s not for me?
Yes. If you’ve realised this membership won’t help you achieve what you came for, you have up to 30 days from when you joined to email me at shirley at shirleydalton dot com to request a refund and I’ll return your money on the same day. You’ll need to have attended the mastermind call during that time and completed at least 2 trainings to demonstrate that you’ve shown up for the membership.
What happens after I join?
Can I join with my business partner/team/wife?
Yes, but if you’re both planning to get full-value from the experience, each member will need to have a separate membership. It’s worth your while being able to track your progress / see what you’ve covered / what you want to dive deeper into next and keeping on top of this requires separate memberships. Email me at shirley at shirleydalton dot com to discuss multiple logins / corporate packages for 3 or more members.
I'm not sure if this is right for me
Sometimes you just need to talk to someone before you invest. I get that!
So to help you make the decision about whether the membership is the right fit for you, I encourage you to book a time for us to chat. You can book a time that suits us both here.
I have another question that’s not addressed here.
No worries. If you’d like to talk it through, you can book a short chat with me here.
Like to have a chat to Shirley first? Book a time that suits us both.
“The content in the membership is world class and the mastermind meetings provide me with a level of support and accountability that ensure I do the work and get results. I’ve just restructured my entire organization and now have more time with my family.”
Mark Scanlon
“Everyone needs a Shirley. Shirley is my “Go To Gal” whenever I feel stuck and need some help to get clear. Shirley has so much knowledge it’s like searching google and getting your answers straight away”.
Beth Gwalter
If you’ve made it this far…
…but you’re yet to decide whether this membership is for you, I’m betting there’s a good chance your brain is telling you something like this:
“Developing and implementing these skills will be hard…”
Your brain is wired to convince you that there will be too much ‘change’ for you to handle, that you’re not ready for it, that there’s going to be a better time later, or you’re not sure you want to make this a priority right now.
Here’s what’s going on.
When we set out to make career-and-life-changing decisions (even if they lead directly to the freedom you know you want) our primal brains do what they can to stay in familiar territory.
Although your brain is doing its best to keep you safe…it’s also lying to you.
Because while developing career-altering leadership skills will most likely challenge you, it’s not difficult.
What’s difficult is when you fast-forward to 3 months from now, and you’re STILL feeling the same way you are now: exhausted, overwhelmed, pissed off. You’re still doing all the things with confusion and hoping that tomorrow, something will stick. Something will work.
So, I invite you to do this instead:
Reclaim the freedom that awaits you on the other side of leading your people and department to success that’s sustainable without your constant presence.
Join today, and enjoy the feeling of real possibility that opens up when you powerfully decide — yes.
Like to have a chat to Shirley first? Book a time that suits us both.
“I found that it made me come out of my shell more, speak my mind more confidently and give me the reassurance I needed to validate why I am in the role I am in at my workplace. I feel that implementing a lot of my learnings with my team at work has really made us strive and come together.”
Courtney Mathieson