
Should I Smile? (WT710)

Should I Smile? (WT710)

You might think that’s a bit of a silly question. Should I smile? You might be thinking, “Yes, of course, you should smile”. And I agree. It’s nice when people smile at us first or return a smile. What do you do at the gym and other similar places where people are doing their own thing and sometimes your eyes happen to meet? Do you smile? I’m usually the first one to smile or wave. In fact, years ago, Ross and I were driving home one afternoon, and as we came around a corner, I waved at some of the neighbours on their veranda. “Do you know them?” he asked. “No.” “Then why are you waving?”...

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Let’s Talk About Systems (WT709)

Let’s Talk About Systems (WT709)

The past few Weekly Thoughts have focused on mindset and leadership. This week we need to talk about systems. I’ve been working with a couple of clients the past few weeks, helping with recruitment and creating new finance systems. It’s been a big reminder to me of the value of having systems and processes that others can follow when key people are absent. Let me give you some examples. Client #1 – a key support team member resigned after having worked with the company for 3 years. A team of sales professionals relied on the support and whilst they are actively recruiting for a replacement,...

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The Trick Is Not To Resist (WT708)

The Trick Is Not To Resist (WT708)

OMG! I’m SUPER excited. I got up early this week to join a webinar training with David and Carol Bayer talking about Imagination, Visualisation and Actualisation (IVA). I want to share the most important point I took away from the training, “the trick is not to resist”. What this means, is that when we are imagining and visualising the things we want, in what David and Carol refer to as the 4th dimension, we often start comparing that to our current 3rd dimension reality of the 5-senses and therefore we start “resisting” what we want to manifest. Resistance can take the form of...

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The Inspiration Call (WT707)

The Inspiration Call (WT707)

I was coaching with one of my fabulous clients this week. We’ll call her Paris. Paris had booked in for a coaching session around November last year but rescheduled until early January. She had a lot going on with work, kids, extended family and Christmas. As it turns out, there was a bit more going on and Paris admitted that she had decided she wanted to take action from our previous coaching session and then update me with the progress she had made. An Advisor personality, Paris likes to research and analyse all the data. It can sometimes take her (and most Advisors) a while before she...

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The Rider and The Elephant (WT706)

The Rider and The Elephant (WT706)

It’s the start of a new year and most of us find ourselves looking forward to a bright sunny year ahead. Consciously we set intentions or goals for the year ahead and for many of us, soon become disappointed as the year progresses and we have not achieved what we wanted and we give up. For some, they know this is going to happen so they go straight past the disappointment stage and refuse to set goals, a.k.a. “new year’s resolutions”. So what does “the rider and the elephant” have to do with setting goals? As it turns out, everything. The rider and the elephant is a metaphor used in the...

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Another Year – It’s a Wrap (WT705)

Another Year – It’s a Wrap (WT705)

Well, here we are again at the end of another year. As we look back over the year, I encourage you to focus on the good and positive and be grateful for all that 2023 brought you. Even the things that were not to your preference. As David Bayer says, “Life is always working for us, even if at times, it is not to our preference”. When I think about this mantra, I’m reminded that the Universe or God or Infinite Intelligence (whatever name you prefer) is working tirelessly to bring us what we want.  From our perspective here on earth, we can’t see all the moving parts that have to be...

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Stop Watching Sucky Movies (WT704)

Stop Watching Sucky Movies (WT704)

Today I want to share a story with you that my voice coach, Roger Love shared on our group call, in answer to a question by one of the other “Speakers Guild Members” about being nervous before giving a speech. Here’s how it goes: Two workers are standing at the water cooler on a Friday afternoon. Paul says to Ed, “What’s on for the weekend?” Ed replies, “I’m going to watch a movie.” “Great”, says Paul. “Let me know how it goes.” On Monday, they meet again at the water cooler. “How was the movie?” asks Paul. “Not that great”, replies Ed and proceeds to tell him all the reasons why it wasn’t...

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Answer The Criteria (WT703) 

Answer The Criteria (WT703) 

A while ago I was talking with a client about recruitment. We’ll call him Dave.  Dave had a need to fill a customer service/administration role in his business.  I suggested looking for a mum.  In the past, I’d had great success employing mums who dropped the kids at school, came to work, did an amazing job and then finished in time to pick up the kids.  The mums benefitted by being able look after their kids and still have some social interaction with adults, make a difference and get paid.  They were honest, reliable, had a great work ethic and were skilled and...

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The Magic (WT702)

The Magic (WT702)

Right now, I wish I had an affiliate link to Amazon or Audible. I’m recommending you get “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne. The book had been sitting in my library for quite some time and I hadn’t gotten around to reading it, until it was recommended by one of my mentors in an online group. Magically, the group turned into a team, aptly named “Team Magic” and we agreed to work through the book together. It truly was a magical experience. Having an online group provided support, encouragement, motivation and accountability. Each day we would post an image or message showing the task completed for...

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The Awe of Expertise (WT701)

The Awe of Expertise (WT701)

When I first started my business, I was blown away by the knowledge and expertise that people have in their respective industries. Seventeen years later, I’m still in awe of your expertise. I was coaching with a client and he was sharing the challenges he was experiencing with designing and fitting out a new retail shop. He had engaged a builder and an engineer and was thankful for their expertise and advice. The builder advised that new supports were required to hold up the roof. He encouraged the retailer, by explaining that it was “now or never” because he thought the retailer would be...

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