
It’s for the Client to Decide (WT494)

It’s for the Client to Decide (WT494)

I was participating in an online group discussion this week with my colleagues from all around the world.  Some of the group members were moving into coaching and they wanted to know what other people charged for their services.  It was interesting to see the differences in what people offered and what they charged and one of the newbies, (we’ll call her Valerie), laughed and said, “I’ll need coaching to charge that”. What followed was a very interesting discussion around pricing and self worth and I thought it might be of interest for you,...

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Show Them the Big Picture (WT493)

Show Them the Big Picture (WT493)

This week, I’ve been focussing on leadership. I’ve been creating training videos for the next launch of our membership site as well as the quiz I invited you to take. It’s amazing to me how things show up at exactly the right time. Leadership is about knowing yourself and knowing your people. It also requires you to develop great people skills so you can communicate well and influence your team so that they can cooperate and achieve the outcomes. As I was talking with one of my colleagues recently, I mentioned how important it is to share the big picture with the...

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It’s a Set Up (WT492)

It’s a Set Up (WT492)

When Ross was employed as a Site Supervisor, one of his team members used to joke that it was a “Set Up”, when things didn’t go according to plan.  This always amused and impressed me because he was able to make light of the situation.  In my recent studies to become a certified coach of David Bayer’s Phenomenal Coaching Methodology, he too referred to the concept of being set up. David’s take on the set up is that it is part of what he calls The 4 Blessings of Failure:  Education (we learn something from the experience)  Redirect (life’s infinite...

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Take Advantage of It (WT491)

Take Advantage of It (WT491)

This week’s thought is a reminder to take advantage of opportunities as they are presented. I host an online membership site, Leading Yourself and Leading Others, which focuses on Developing People, Processes and Possibilities.  (I will be opening the membership site up again in a few weeks for new members.) Every two weeks I host a LIVE Q&A call for members to receive coaching on any topic. Last week, one lucky member took advantage of the opportunity. She was the only member on the call so she received dedicated one on one coaching for her particular topic. It was a very interesting...

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Keep Your Head Clean (WT490)

Keep Your Head Clean (WT490)

I’m not talking about having a shower or washing your face when I say, “Keep Your Head Clean” but of course, knowing me, you know that. Here’s an example to explain what I mean: Two people go for a promotion at work. Neither of them succeed. Max gets depressed and angry and full of negative self talk such as "I don't know what I have to do to get ahead in this company. Why does this always happen to me? How come I never seem to get the promotion?” On the other hand, Wendy feels disappointed, however quickly shrugs it off and asks her supervisor, “What can I do to be promoted? What...

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Are You or Your Team Entitled (WT489)

Are You or Your Team Entitled (WT489)

This week’s thought might be a bit provocative. I was chatting with a colleague recently who had just returned from a trip to the Philippines. We’ll call her Leanne.  She had been investigating outsourcing some work to a company over there and had visited some of the outsourcing companies. As we chatted she remarked how surprised she was to hear how much the employees of the companies wanted their companies to do well. They really wanted them to become massively successful on a global scale. When she enquired about the reason, they said simply, “It means we have a job for life...

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Planning is Essential (WT488)

Planning is Essential (WT488)

Ever have one of those weeks or months when you keep hearing or seeing a message?  I’ve had a few of them lately.  The first message came from a member of our online membership program, he reminded us that Planning is Essential but Plans are Useless.  The reminder was appropriate for the discussion we were having at the time and I left it at that.  Fast forward a week or two and one of my mentors mentioned it in his weekly training, Planning is Essential but Plans are Useless.  Three times lucky, this week I heard it again when we had to evacuate the park...

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Strategy Vs Belief (WT487)

Strategy Vs Belief (WT487)

Jordan was recounting a story where he had met with his mentor.  His mentor had given him some advice about how to resolve a situation.  As I listened to Jordan I couldn’t help but wonder about the success of the suggested strategy.  You see, I knew Jordan quite well.  I knew that he knew that the mentor’s advice was correct and that he should take the action as suggested.  I also knew that Jordan had a few limiting beliefs that were in direct opposition to the advice.  Here’s an example: Let’s say you want to increase your income by $10,000, $100,000 or...

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Time is Irrelevant (WT486)

Time is Irrelevant (WT486)

We hear people talk of time management and self management.  There are any number of consultants and trainers that teach strategies for getting the most out of your day; remember we all have 86,400 seconds in a day and they can’t be banked.  One of my mentors, David Bayer explains that, “Time is irrelevant but timing is everything”.  What he means by this, is that there is no advantage in becoming overwhelmed with our To Do Lists.  From a spiritual point of view, life corresponds with us. If there is something you earnestly desire and have a vision and belief that it will...

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What Can a Dog Teach You about Leadership (WT485)

What Can a Dog Teach You about Leadership (WT485)

The past few weeks, we have had the opportunity to “dog sit”. It has been a fantastic experience, especially when it comes to implementing the leadership training I provide for others. The first night was a bit rough. I am assuming the dog was missing its owners. He didn’t understand where they were and who these two new people were, so he did his best to assert himself as the leader of the pack.  The next morning, Ross and I decided that one of us had to assume the leadership role. Here’s some leadership principles that the dog taught us: There can only be one leader. Consistency is...

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