
I Only Remember The Three (WT767)

I Only Remember The Three (WT767)

Last week I presented two x 2 hour webinars, “Reset Your Mindset: 4 Steps to Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life”. It was the first time I had presented these webinars and I was quite nervous. In the month leading up to the presentations I had to learn new software. I practised and practised to give myself the best chance of success. As we discussed in the webinar, the more we do something the more myelin we produce around our neurons and the more myelin, the quicker the response & habit formation. (In fact, it can be the difference between your neuron firing 100 times faster or...

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They Should … (WT766)

They Should … (WT766)

This week I was teaching the concept of Values Collisions, from Thomas Gordon’s Leader Effectiveness Training. I thought I’d share it with you too. A values collision is a conflict in which the values of two parties clash, but there is no tangible effect. There are many many opportunities for Values Collisions in the workplace and at home. For example, say you vape and I don’t. Unless I’m in the room with you, you vaping doesn’t affect me. When it comes to values, we won’t generally change our values just because someone says we should. For example, if I was to say,...

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Why Save It? (WT765)

Why Save It? (WT765)

What do you do when you receive a gift? Do you save it or spend it or start using it straight away? Ross and I have different strategies. Ross is a saver. I’m a spender/user. For example, if we receive money for birthdays or Christmas or chocolates for Easter, I’ve spent, used or eaten mine within a week. Ross still has his weeks and sometimes months later, (which I usually manage to share – Hahaha!) It was the same when we both attended Weight Watchers years ago. We had discretionary points to use over the week and mine were usually consumed within the first couple of days and Ross still...

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The Truth About Loyalty (WT764)

The Truth About Loyalty (WT764)

I’m ever surprised at where the inspiration for the Weekly Thoughts come from. This week Ross and I were watching a series called “Shantaram” on Apple TV. It was based on the book by the same name and means “Man of Peace”. There was a scene where two very powerful women were testing each other out with their words. Asking about a man that one of the women was close to, the other asked, “Are you in love with him?” To which, she replied, “No, but I am loyal to him.” “Ah,” replied the questioner. “There are only 3 reasons why people are loyal: They are in love They are afraid They feel...

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In Perfect Time (WT763)

In Perfect Time (WT763)

Do you get yourself in a tizzy when things don’t go according to plan? Are you a bit of a control freak; wanting things to be done the way you want them done, when you want them done? I used to be like that. I’ve mellowed over the years. I’ve come to realise and accept that things happen In Perfect Time. Last week our air conditioner stopped working. We called a few people. One person had a look at it and said, “That’s a warranty job. I can fix it, but it will cost you thousands because I am not an authorised warranty repairer.” He told us who to contact, which proved challenging because we...

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You’ll Get Used To It (WT762)

You’ll Get Used To It (WT762)

It’s a sad fact that a lot of people do not like change, even though most of the time, change can be positive. This week, I’m going to share my understanding of how the brain works and how we can hack the system to speed up learning and change habits. First, a disclaimer. I am not a neuroscientist, so my understanding may not be 100% textbook correct. This week I bought a new computer and 2 new monitors and what feels like a very large keyboard. For the past 6 years I’ve been working with a HP laptop. I bought the new computer and monitors to make it easier to present my webinars and group...

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What Are You Thinking? (WT761)

What Are You Thinking? (WT761)

I’ve been reading “Unlimited Abundance: Align Your Life with the Unseen Forces of Success” by Sandra Anne Taylor. We’re talking quantum science principles, energy, 7 universal laws, including the Law of Manifestation and the Law of Magnetism and I just love what she has to say. On pages 74-75, Taylor says “So many people go through their days – even their entire lives – simply reacting, without any conscious awareness of what their thoughts are or what effects they may be having. But to change your energy and your consciousness, you need to be aware of the clues of negative thinking.”...

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When The Universe Speaks (WT760)

When The Universe Speaks (WT760)

This week I was talking to a former boss of mine, Sue Schmotz. Sue was my supervisor when I worked for the Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE, around 1997. When I became a manager, Sue shared lots of little gems with me. One of the best lessons she taught me was, “The first rule of management – It’s not a popularity contest”. There are times when we do need to have those difficult conversations and I am so pleased that since 2000, I’ve been an accredited instructor for Thomas Gordon’s Effectiveness Training and more recently Leader Effectiveness Training, which teaches us how to have...

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What Is Your Body Telling You? (WT759)

What Is Your Body Telling You? (WT759)

Well this year didn’t start out how I intended. Against some advice from friends and family, about 5 weeks ago, I started injecting myself with the so-called weight loss wonder drug, Mounjaro. I was looking for an easy way to shed some kilos and others I knew were getting great results. On Sunday I ended up in hospital with faecal compaction. Did you know that our small intestines range from 3metres to 5 metres in length and are called the small intestine because of the size of the diameter? The large intestine is about 1.5 metres, so there’s a heck a lot of piping to clear if you find...

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New Year New You New Habits (WT758)

New Year New You New Habits (WT758)

Happy 2025! I trust the new year has started well for you and that you said goodbye to all the things you wanted to leave behind in 2024. It’s a new year. It can be a new you. And you have the choice to create new habits. This year I intend to create more videos and offer live webinars on various topics. To that end I’ve been setting up my studio. Part of setting up the studio meant I had to rearrange over 500 books on my bookshelves. It has been a back breaking task and mentally challenging as I re-sorted every book according to author surname rather than book size. I had previously...

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