Do you ever ask yourself Is this it? Will this ever end?  Jane Rushton has faced those questions multiple times as she embarked on her journey to heal herself and transform her life. Surviving a near fatal accident, Jane’s face was unrecognizable to her family and she was unable to walk. Not only in physical, emotional and mental pain, Jane also found herself in financial difficulty as her business floundered whilst she recovered. Today you’re going to learn the 5 key steps that Jane implemented to heal and transform herself to create daily balance, bliss and productivity easily and effortlessly.
Jane Rushton
Jane Rushton
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Jane Rushton’s mission is to assist people to create balance, bliss and productivity on a daily basis, easily and effortlessly.

Jane is a successful Author, MIND TRICKS Coach, Spiritual Healer, Pilates and Gym Instructor, as well as an International Netball Festival Coordinator and Director of two companies, and has been since the age of 24.

Jane’s achievements are extensive but it wasn’t always that way and you’ll learn how Jane was able to transform herself after being involved in a near fatal accident that left her physically unrecognizable and unable to walk.

Jane believes, "Life is a roller coaster so it's good to learn how to reduce the dips in life," and she’s a lifelong student having lost count of the many modalities in Personal Development, Natural Therapies, exercise and rehabilitation she’s studied over the years.

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