We all know trust is important in relationships, but how do you demonstrate trust and how do you create trust at networking events? In this episode, That Referral Guy, Glenn Kirkwood shares the 3 things you MUST do to accelerate the trust curve. In the beginning, there is no trust curve. It has to be created. By implementing these three things, others will see you as authentic and be more comfortable to refer business to you. If you’re in business or in sales and your work involves networking or you just want to learn how to create trust within any relationship in any environment, you can’t afford to miss this episode.
Glenn Kirkwood
Glenn Kirkwood
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Glenn Kirkwood is first and foremost a leader that other leaders follow. With an entrepreneurial mindset and a sense of purpose for giving, Glenn’s approach to life is very refreshing.

He had a highly successful career in Sales and Marketing, working in the import/export industries for 18 years, growing businesses to many times their original turnover and selling them on for significant profits. Then one morning, he was taken to a meeting of business people where he came across a very different attitude from the cut and thrust of business as he had experienced it before: he heard the phrase Givers Gain. The philosophy that celebrates cooperation and mutual support over competition and rivalry resonated so deeply with him that, within weeks, Glenn had sold his last import business and acquired a franchise of Business Networking International, BNI. He is now one of the most successful BNI Franchisees in Australia, with his region growing from nothing to 480 members in just 5 short years.

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