With the best of intentions, we often make mistakes hiring, training and managing teams. Studies show that choosing the wrong candidate can cost in excess of the yearly salary for the person. In this week’s episode, Sandra Bravo, Founder and Creator of Amasssing Ladies Leadership, General Manager for Marketing Online and lead trainer for T. Harv Ecker candidly shares what you need to know when vetting your team. Sandra openly admits she made every possible mistake anyone could make in order to find out what works best. Save yourself the cost and pain of making those mistakes. Learn Sandra’s secrets for completing reference checks. It’s not the same as everyone else. Find out how to hire for attitude and train for skill and why Personal Development and Mindset Training for your team will get you far better results as well as Sandra’s secret system for conducting Quarterly Reviews. If you’re a leader or manager, this is MUST LISTEN interview if you want to avoid hiring the wrong people.
Sandra Bravo
Sandra Bravo
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Originally from Mexico, and living in Australia for the past thirteen years, after travelling around the world for three years by herself, former Business Manager for one of the largest chains of travel agencies in the world, Creator and Founder of Amasssing Ladies Leadership, General Manager for Marketing Online and lead trainer for T Harv Ecker, Sandra Bravo has an amasssing passion for leadership that will totally change your energy and focus.

Sandra is a master when it comes to attracting the right people, and motivating and inspiring them to succeed. Becoming heavily involved in her own personal development and focusing on her own inner growth and self awareness, now a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders, Sandra has become an extremely successful role model, coach and mentor for business owners and leaders who want to create their ideal lifestyle.

Living in luxury, traveling the world, running retreats and raising two beautiful daughters, Sandra really is Amasssing.

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