For over 20 years Sue Henry has worked with business owners helping them to identify the next steps for their businesses and mentoring and project managing and executing the plans. In 2012 tragedy struck Sue’s family and jettisoned her into a new world, one she was not equipped and certainly didn’t want to deal with. Now turning that tragedy into something that can help millions of people around the world Sue created I Forgive You – programs and an app to help others forgive and be happy. Everyone has the ability to forgive. Making the choice to forgive is the starting point. There is no magic pill that can help you to forgive nor is there one path for everyone to follow. In this episode Sue shares her secrets to forgiveness and living a happy life.
Sue Henry
Sue Henry
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Sue has worked in and for most industries and if there is one thing she has learnt in her career, it is that building and maintaining relationships and strong networks are the cornerstones of successful business building, career advancement and achieving goals.

She is a small business consultant, marketer, speaker, author and social media advocate. With over 20 years experience working with small business owners, Sue is a master of asking the right questions, bringing clarity and solutions to business challenges and making everyone with whom she speaks feel good.

Sue is known among her clients for getting results. It’s not unusual for profit to grow by 3000%.

In all her roles, Sue has inspired business professionals to use her practical tips for very rewarding results. Sue’s gift is the way she consumes information and interprets experience as custom lessons.

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