Welcome to The Loyal Lieutenant: How The Second-In-Command Brings The CEO’s Vision To Life book resources page.
Here you’ll find all the downloadable resources mentioned in the book. If you’ve landed on this page but have yet to get your copy of the book, you can purchase it by clicking one of the buttons below.
I hope you enjoy your journey to becoming a loyal lieutenant to your CEO.

Practical Leader Membership Offer
*SPECIAL OFFER* As a book owner, you are being given special access to the Practical Leader Membership program for only $49/month (usually $99/month). With a blend of practical training and live mentoring sessions twice a month, it will take the skills you’ve learned in Processes and further develop in the areas of People and Possibilities. Use Code 2IC at checkout.

“What Type of Leader Are You?” Quiz
Find your Leadership Style. Discover how you show up, how others see you and how to make the most of who you really are. There are no right or wrong colours, just as there are no right or wrong leadership styles.

The Four Types of I Messages
Actually there are four plus one types. Knowing which one to use in which situation gives you the edge when it comes to getting what you want AND improving your relationships with others.

Induction Checklists For New Team Members
New employees need to be introduced to the team, the office and the organisation. Click on the link for these sample checklists you can use to tailor for your business, company or organisation.

Sample Workflow Diagrams
A workflow diagram helps you to see and analyse What happens, by Whom (role), When and How in your section or organisation. Click on the link to download samples to help you get started.

Sample Enquiry Forms For Your Business
Use the sample enquiry forms to help you identify the questions you need to ask your potential customers or clients. Check out the options to find the one that best suits your needs and situations.

Functional Organisation Chart For Real Estate
Study the sample to see how the various roles or “functions” within the real estate industry are captured. List the functions or roles that are required in your business or organisation. (Step 2 on page 57).

Template For Creating KPIs and KBIs
Never have to worry about writing your job descriptions ever again. Follow my signature template to identify the outcomes you want for the position and the tasks and standard to achieve the outcomes.

Guidelines For Writing Procedures
Your people want to know what they have to DO. Follow the guidelines to create easy to read and understand procedures. Hint, not all your procedures have to be written but they do have to follow the guidelines.

Three Different Ways To Teach The Same Topic
We each have different learning styles. Study this example so you can train your people according to their own learning style. Remember, “Just because I taught you, doesn’t mean you learned”.

Blueprint For Business Freedom
Download your own copy of the Blueprint For Business Freedom. This blueprint will help keep you focused on the three key areas to ensure your success as a leader in your business or organisation.
Interview with Kip McGrath, Kip McGrath Education Centres
Watch this interview between Shirley Dalton and Kip McGrath, founder of Kip McGrath Education Centres from the Untrapped TV series.
Kip wrote for the foreword for The Loyal Lieutenant.

Time and Money Freedom Quiz
Originally designed for business owners, this short quiz will show you where you are on the Time and Money Freedom Matrix. In just two questions, you’ll find your answer and what your next steps are.

Aha Session
If you’re a leader and you’re feeling pissed off, overwhelmed or you want to feel confident in your role to lead your business, team or section, book your 30-minute Aha session with me to discover what’s holding you back and what you can do about it.