Business Life

If you’re a Leader, Manager, Business Owner or Entrepreneur and want to learn and apply what other successful business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders do to create a business and a lifestyle they love, Business Life TV is for YOU.

Many business owners start their business because they are good at what they do. They are great technicians, with little experience leading and managing people and even less as a business owner, working in the business rather than on it.

Many find themselves trapped, unable to take time off, feeling stressed because they have little time and money or feeling like a workaholic with money but no time.

Shirley and her guests open their hearts and share their experiences as well as proven systems and strategies to inspire, educate and support you to be able to create your ideal business lifestyle, whether that means being able to comfortably step away from the business and know it will still run smoothly or if you want to grow and expand but don’t know how.

#088 Improve Your Business by Becoming a Soulful Leader

Soulful leaders are interested in motivating from the bottom up, not from the top down. They know who cleans their office, who mows the lawn, who fixes their computers, who serves the food; they know the secretaries and the receptionists. They speak to everyone, and no person is seen as less valuable than anyone else. Soulful people lead balanced lives, work with intensity, play with abandonment, but they also know how to turn down the dial and simply enjoy life. Find out more in this interview with author and clinical psychologist Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli. The Soulful Leader: Success Through Authenticity, Integrity and Empathy.

#087 The Moon in You

We all live and work with women and whether we are aware of it or not, or like it or not, we all experience the feminine monthly menstrual cycle. In this episode, Creator of The Moon and You App and The Moon in You podcast series, Susan Hart and Resident Astrologer, Kerrie Hourigan provide tips and strategies for understanding the chemical changes that happen during the cycle and how women’s hormones impact our moods and behaviour as well as linking those changes to the phases of the moon. When you are aware, you are in control.

#086 The Power of Determination

Meet Marny Cringle and The Power of Determination. Losing her leg and sustaining brain damage in a London Tube accident, Marny was determined to get back her independence, walk on two legs and work as a registered nurse. In this compelling episode, Marny shares her story of victory and triumph over obstacles that would see most of us give up.

#085 Why Politics is Important in Business

Too often we become complacent and complain about our situation or circumstances. In this episode, Jenny Barrie shares her passion for leadership and politics. Be inspired as Jenny shares why politics is important in business.

#084 Top 10 Leadership Skills

In this episode, we discuss the Top 10 Leadership Skills required to achieve your results. These are skills that can be learned and include communication and taking responsibility and holding others accountable.

#083 Shine Your Light

Shining brightly and doing what you love takes courage. Learn three (3) simple techniques you can practice to ground yourself and allow yourself to share your gifts. If you are in a job you hate or are thinking of starting a business or changing career, tune in now for some inspiration.

#082 Be Authentic

As the planet moves toward the Age of Aquarius, we are being pushed and pulled and encouraged to be more of who we really are. In this episode, we look at ways to be authentic and the benefits you can experience at work, with sales and at home.

#081 How to Manage Different Personalities at Work

All people are individuals and when it comes to leading a team, that can be challenging. In this episode, we look at how to create an harmonious team and get the most out of people by acknowledging and working with their differences and strengths.

#080 The Power of Leadership and Teamwork

Have you ever been part of a team that collaborated and supported each other to achieve a shared vision and that was led by an amazing leader? In this episode we look at a case study to identify what it takes to be a great leader and the effects this has on the team and ultimate results.

#079 Professional Development for Success

You’ve heard the saying, a business can’t outgrow its owner. The same is true for sales. Find out what it takes to be amongst the top 2.5% of agents nationally for a major real estate franchise. Mark Campbell shares his journey from rookie to senior sales executive.

#078 Why You Need to Be in an Industry Association

CEO for the Association of Consulting Surveyors, NSW, Michelle Blicavs explains why businesses need to belong to industry associations. If you’re not collaborating and improving your skills and training opportunities, you risk being left behind. Michelle also explains what it takes to be a successful leader and we look at the powerful and important role of surveyors worldwide.

#077 Recognise and Reward to Create a Magical Team

Contrary to popular opinion, money is not the biggest motivator for employees. What employees really want is to be recognised and appreciated. Managing Director, Mark Scanlon, shares his unique and hugely successful strategies to appreciate his employees.

#076 What You Measure, You Can Manage

It’s common sense and yet so many businesses and individuals don’t measure key actions for the business or themselves and wonder why they don’t get the results they want. In this episode, we look at simple strategies and ideas for identifying the critical things you need to measure for yourself or your business to achieve your goals.

#075 Building Team Efficiency Through Self Awareness

When we think about increasing productivity in the workplace, we often think systems and processes. People and teams, in particular, can easily increase their productivity by increasing their self-awareness and adaptability. In this episode, we look at simple techniques you can use straight away to increase self-awareness for individuals and teams.

#074 Presentation Tips for a Compelling Performance

Do you struggle between scripting and memorising a speech and winging it? Discover how to have the best of both and prepare a compelling presentation. Full of tips on how to present from stage, use your body to communicate and what to include in your speech.

#073 Four (4) Long Forgotten Ways to Succeed in Business

Business is simple if you know the rules and can apply them. The mechanics are easy, yet for some, we apply the mechanics and still the success does not come. Call in the Divine Detective, Katie Ryan, who shares the four (4) long forgotten ways to succeed in business. Hint! It’s all about you. Tune in as Katie shares some actions you can implement right here right now to create a successful business doing what you love, easily and effortlessly.

#072 The Language of Leadership

Seconds in Command hold a special place in any organisation, linking operations to people and the CEO. In this episode, we look at that relationship and how the language you use determines the degree of success you will achieve. Leadership has its own language and one that can be learned.

#071 The 2nd in Command, the Most Important Person

Whether you have a formal title of COO, 2IC, Manager or General Manager or similar, yours is the most important role in any business. You are the glue that holds it all together. This week we take a look at what the boss wants and how you can deliver to make more money, get more time and have more authority. And if you’re the boss, if you empower your second in command to fully embrace the role, you too will enjoy more time, more money and more freedom.

#070 Five Top Tips to Increase Productivity

You don’t need technology to improve productivity. Learn 5 top tips you can implement immediately to help your team take responsibility and save time and money. No more complaining about lost time and wrong outcomes or reworks. As the leader it’s up to you.

#069 Embrace Technology to Grow Your Business

Australian Residential Sales Person of the Year and Principal of the Australian Small Real Estate Agency of the Year, Peter Clements, shares his journey of becoming the change he wanted to see. As a Co-Founder of Openn Negotiation, Peter shares his fascinating story of how to innovate in business, overcome obstacles, embrace technology and grow not only your own business but the industry, too.

#068 Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life

If you’re feeling stressed, depressed, angry or frustrated, it’s most likely a result of what David Bayer, our guest this week, refers to as “Unintelligent Thinking”. In this fascinating interview, David shares easy to follow strategies to move from a state of suffering to what he calls a beautiful state and create the life you want. Creator of the MindHack program, this interview and David’s work is life changing.

#067 How to Develop Your Mission, Vision & Values for Business Success

Are you confused about the difference between business mission, vision and values? Do you find it hard to connect these to business success? In this episode, Shirley explains the difference and gives concrete examples so you can easily create your own mission, vision and values statements to drive the behaviours necessary for business success.

#066 How to Succeed in Business by Listening to Your Customers

Do you know the difference between selling what you can see or seeing what you can sell? In this episode, RV Guru, Ron Warden, shares his secrets for growing a $40million business from selling one RV on consignment. Discover how to succeed in business by listening to your customers.

#065 The Art of Record Keeping & Document Management

If you’re looking for an easy way to make more money and save time in business, tune in today as Shirley Dalton, the Number 1 Authority on Proven Profitable Processes, shows you quick and easy ways to manage your documents and records that you can implement today.

#064 How to Market to Attract Your Ideal Client

To find and attract your ideal client, you must be able to describe your ideal client. In this episode, you’ll discover how to define your ideal client and marketing strategies you can use to quickly and easily attract them.

#063 How to Use Systems & Formulas for Business Success

Improve your business productivity and profitability with systems and formulas in your business. Discover how to encourage teamwork, specialisation of tasks, communication and leadership to build sustainable systems and formulas within your business. Learn Shirley’s proprietary 5 Steps to Business Freedom that you can implement for immediate results.

#062 How to Have Time and Money Freedom

To have time and money freedom, you need to raise your vibration. Discover nine (9) simple things you can do immediately to attract the things you want. You’ll also learn easy hacks to manage yourself and your time.

#061 Give Up the Drama

Are you finding yourself in conflict? Have you had enough of the gossip and the drama? Discover how to move from the Eternal Triangle of Hate to the Pathway to Freedom. Be introduced to the 4 I Messages that will help you assert yourself and achieve the outcomes you want, rather than being caught up in office or home dramas that drain your energy.

#060 Build Your Business Through Gift Giving

Discover what it takes to run a successful product business and how you can grow your business through giving gifts to your customers, referrers and prospective customers, not to mention your staff. Successful entrepreneur Gai Alder and Chief Relationship Builder at Wrapped to You shares her secrets for business growth.

#059 Mediation – Why, What, How & When

Accredited Mediator and Lawyer, Jeffrey Thomas, explains why mediation is a much more efficient and effective way to resolve commercial disputes. Discover how simple the process can be, saving you time, money and loads of stress by avoiding having to go through the long drawn out and expensive court process.

#058 How to Use Media to Build Credibility & Trust in Business

Media Publicity can be one of the best forms of advertising and marketing for your business. Media Training Authority Jess Todtfeld shares tips and techniques you can use to get free media publicity and use it to build credibility and trust for you and your business.

#057 Seize the Opportunity and Grow Your Business

Real Estate Academy CEO, Lee Woodward, shares critical tips and strategies required to grow a global multi-million dollar business from scratch, including how to seize opportunities as they arise. This is a must watch interview if you are serious about growing a successful business.

#056 Befriend Your Numbers to Grow Your Business

Befriending your numbers is the best and quickest way to grow your business. Financial Organisation Specialist, Deborah Jensen, explains the difference between a financial debrief and analysis and why a debrief is better. Plus, discover how to create a winning supportive team for increased productivity and engagement.

#055 Retirement Planning: How to Successfully Invest in Property

If you’re concerned about having enough money to live on in retirement, you need to hear what Wealth Creation and Retirement Planning Specialist, Clare Monkley, has to say. A successful property investor and Business Development Manager for the Retirement Planning Association of Australasia, Clare explains the key things to look for when purchasing an investment property.

#054 How to Structure a Presentation & Connect to Your Audience

Got a speech to prepare and you want it to rock? Discover International Speaking Expert Lou Heckler’s formula for preparing a speech to help your audience get “earganised” and how to structure your speech to connect with your audience.

#053 How to Use Social Media to Build Your Business

Discover the 5 things you MUST do to grow your business online with Online Marketing and Business Growth Specialist, Gillian Maxlow. Simple and easy to implement tips straight away.

#052 The Stress Solution – Have the Team, Business & Life You Want Part 2

Part 2 of a fascinating interview with Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli as he shares his Assessment tool for Performance Addiction and discusses the role of Empathy in reducing stress and anxiety and developing resilience. A must watch episode for executives and team leaders.

#051 The Stress Solution – Have the Team, Business & Life You Want Part 1

Part 1 of a fascinating interview with Dr. Arthur Ciaramicoli as he explains the negative effects of stress and how to reduce anxiety and increase resilience. A must watch episode if you lead or manage a team or experience high levels of stress and anxiety.

#047 A Conversation with Shirley

Have you ever wondered what makes a great speaker or presenter? In this episode, Shirley demonstrates how our brains work through the art of conversation. Talking business, leadership and communication, you’ll discover how to not structure your speech for success.

#046 Set Your Intention

Another new year. What do you intend to achieve this year? Discover a proven system to achieve anything you set your mind to.

#045 How to Grow Your Business with Video

According to Hubspot, businesses that use video to market their business grow revenues 49% faster than those who don’t. Discover how you can easily use video to build and grow your business and your revenues. If you’re not using video this year, you’re losing business.

#044 Playing A Bigger Game in Business

Discover how to play a bigger game in business with Coach Adam Lewis. Find out what is holding you back and what you can do to change it. Adam’s gift is his ability to visualise a bigger game as well as creating easy to implement strategies for business growth.

#043 Sourcing From China, What You Need to Know

Have you got a product and thought about having it manufactured in China? This week, Sourcing Strategist and expert, David Bonython, shares what you need to know to strategically and successfully source products from China.

#042 Balance Your Life For Business Success

Are you struggling to find business success? Are you feeling overwhelmed and running out of time? Our guest this week, Susan Kennedy, shares how you can easily balance your life for business success. Hint: It’s easier than you think.

#041 You Can Do It

Could you use a little inspiration at the moment? Are you suffering from a lack of self belief or confidence? Tune in to discover how to overcome these obstacles and go for what you want. You Can Do It.

#040 How to Get the Best Out of Your People

Are you a leader or manager and frustrated because your people could do more? Learn 4 top strategies to implement immediately to improve productivity, decrease stress and frustration and create loyal supportive team members.

#039 Manage Yourself, Manage Your Time

Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know how you’ll get everything done? In this episode, you’ll learn 3 strategies you can implement immediately to get on top of your To Do List and stay on top. Create time for yourself to do the things you have to do and want to do.

#038 Leadership Skills You Can Learn

Leadership skills can be learned. In this episode, you’ll learn 9 critical skills to become a successful leader. Discover the three questions to ask to easily supervise your people.

#037 Six Steps to Resolving Conflict at Work and at Home

This week, Shirley shares her 6-step method for resolving conflict as well as looking at the levels of conflict. You must watch this episode if you want to easily resolve conflict at work and at home.

#036 How to Deal with Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict is a normal part of life and yet many of us do our best to avoid it. In this episode, I share some practical tips and strategies to initiate the conversation and resolve conflict.

#035 How to Increase Workplace Productivity

Increases in productivity can easily be gained through better communication and understanding between leaders and team members. In this episode, you’ll learn practical skills you can implement immediately to gain more clarity and productivity in your business.

#034 Using Visualisation for Business Success

Mind Movies Co-founder, Natalie Ledwell, shares how she used visualisation to create a multi-million dollar business in 3 years. Learn how to get into a place of inspiration and create the life and business of your dreams.

#033 How to Profile People’s Faces for Better Relationships and Better Business Part 2

Part 2 of how to profile people based on their facial expressions and facial structure with Profiling and Communication Specialist, Alan Stevens, for improved relationships and better business.

#032 How to Profile People’s Faces for Better Relationships and Better Business Part 1

Did you know your face can reveal your interests, best career and personality traits? Profiling and Communications Specialist, Alan Stevens, shares how to read faces for improved relationships and better business.

#031 Time Money Freedom Matrix


Do you crave Time and Money Freedom? Take this quiz to see where you are on the Time Money Freedom Matrix and learn easy to implement strategies to raise your vibration to achieve what you want. Discover the difference between an Energetic Intention and a Goal.

#030 It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Career

Author and Solar Energy expert, SJ Doyle, discusses his transition from electrician to business owner to author. Learn about his new book “The Hero Gene” and how he managed to transition into a new career after 30 years in the electrical trades.

#029 The Imposter Syndrome

Are you a woman or do you know a woman who feels inadequate, insecure or lacking in confidence? In this episode, we discuss The Imposter Syndrome – the psychological phenomenon based on a belief that we are inadequate or a failure despite our skills and achievements to the contrary and how to deal with it.

#027 Managing Expectations


Do you ever find yourself upset with a client or supplier because you expected something different than what you received? It is so important to manage customer expectations, and this week we take a look at a few examples and show you some strategies to do just that.

#026 Navigating Transition

Not too much in life stays the same. We grow and learn and evolve and at times it can be difficult navigating these transitions. This week, we look at some tips and strategies to deal with life changing transitions in a more comfortable way.

#025 How to Create Team Synergy

Do you believe the myth that a team is only as strong as its weakest link? This week we explore team synergy – how to create it and what stops it. Find out what it takes to build a championship team.

#024 Whatever You Are Thinking About, Why Not


Is there something you long to do, but haven’t. Rather than trying to convince yourself with why you should do it, Adventurer, Naturopath, Mentor, Author and Speaker, Tammy Guest will inspire you to ask “Why Not” instead. Join us as Tammy shares her inspiration for circumnavigating the world in a helicopter in 2022.

#023 The Three Keys to Success in Business

When Sarah Lee studied photography, she learnt technical skills. Going into business for herself required her to learn how to run a business, how to market successfully and how to deal with customers. In this raw and authentic interview, Sarah Lee shares her journey from photographer to successful business owner.

#022 Your Ideal Business Lifestyle, A Successful Case Study

Viola Organics has been operating for 30 years and in that time has grown and expanded but the expansion didn’t provide Managing Director, Janine Matchitt, with her ideal business lifestyle so she had the courage to change it. This week, Janine shares her secrets for running a successful business and having time to enjoy her family and her life.

#021 How to Create Your Ideal Business Lifestyle

Is your business causing you the most amount of stress in your life? It doesn’t have to be this way. In this episode, Shirley Dalton explains exactly how you can create your ideal business lifestyle and use your business to get a life. Let go of being a slave to your business.

#020 A Big Enough Why

Janet Dougherty’s husband Rewi Kemp was lost at sea and faced an enormous ordeal to be rescued and find his way home to Janet. In this episode, Author, Inventor, Business Consultant and Experiential Games Facilitator, Janet, shares what she and Rewi learned through the ordeal and how a tragedy can be turned into a triumph if you have a big enough why.

#019 Improve Your Listening Skills and Improve Your Relationships

Listening is the most important skill you need to master if you want to have great relationships in business and in life. You can learn how to listen better. Watch this special presentation to learn the skills and see a powerful demonstration.

#018 Talking Numbers Not Profit & Loss


In business, you need to keep your eye on the numbers but do you know what numbers to look at? This week, Craig Toyne explains how to work out the critical numbers in your business to deliver the outcomes you want.

#017 Business Burnout – What to Do About It

Are you in business or a leader or manager and feeling burnt out and over it? You are not alone. In this episode. Shirley shares stories of how she and some of her clients have felt and what they did to get themselves out of the funk.

#016 The Importance of Systems in Business & Life

Are you someone who loves systems and order or are you someone who prefers spontaneity and chaos? Having systems in your business and your life will set you free and give you the freedom to be spontaneous. Shirley shares her top tips and strategies for systemising your business so you can empower your team to do the work, allowing you to focus on running and growing your company and getting your life back.

#015 How to Generate More Leads & Business Through Facebook Advertising

Are you constantly confused about advertising on Facebook? Have you tried a number of strategies and not gotten a return on your investment? In this episode, Facebook Expert Janak Mehta shares his Trifecta system for generating more leads and business through Facebook. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is for you to use Facebook the right way.

#014 The Ripple Effect for Business & Life Success

Have you gotten into a bad habit of limiting yourself or repeating negative thoughts and behaviours? This week’s guest, River Easter, shares her top tips to create the life you want easily and effectively. Learn how to change your thoughts. Identify your limiting beliefs and make small changes for massive results.

#013 Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life


If you’re feeling stressed, depressed, angry or frustrated, it’s most likely a result of what David Bayer, our guest this week, refers to as “Unintelligent Thinking”. In this fascinating interview, David shares easy to follow strategies to move from a state of suffering to what he calls a beautiful state and create the life you want.

#012 The 3 “D’s” to Success

Do you Dream Big but Play Small? Are you over not getting what you want because you keep sabotaging yourself. Shirley Dalton shows you how you can have what you want by using her simple formula – The 3D’s to Success.

#011 Top 10 Leadership Skills

Executive Leadership Coach Shirley Dalton shares her top 10 Skills all Leaders need to have to be great leaders. These are skills, not attributes or characteristics or traits, but skills that can be learned.

#010 Retire with $1K

Finance expert Brian Horton made a promise to himself at the age of 11 that when he figured out how to make and keep money, he would share it with the world. In this episode, he shares his strategies for being able to retire comfortably even if you start with $1K. If you’re wondering how you’re going to have enough money to retire with, you definitely need to watch this episode.

#009 Financial Secrets Every Business Needs

Finding herself in debt and unable to make her payments, Karen Zullo’s cry for help was the catalyst for her to start her own business helping others to manage their finances, settle their debts and improve their credit scores. Having an acceptable credit score is critical to obtain funding or credit for business or personal reasons. In this episode Karen shares the financial secrets you need to know.

#008 Balance Rocks Balance Your Life

Is your business or work getting you down? Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed and definitely not balanced or in harmony? Join us this week as CEO and Founder of Rock Yoga, Bryan Tarr demonstrates how to balance yourself and your life using rocks and yoga. It’s a fun interview full of great strategies to help you relax and breathe and reduce your stress and overwhelm.

#007 How to Have Fun at Work & Increase Productivity

Is your idea of fun at work having a beer at the end of the week? Join us as Chief Playologist and Executive Leadership Coach Kai Dickens shares how to bring back fun into your workplace, change your culture, have great relationships with millennials and increase staff retention and productivity.

#006 How to Have THAT Conversation Part 2

How would you like a formula for starting those awkward confronting conversations? Shirley teaches you the formula for getting clear on the issue and then constructing a statement to have THAT conversation. Learn a proven formula for any situation including work and home life.

#005 How to Have THAT Conversation Part 1

You know those ugly awkward conversations you know you need to have – the confronting ones, Shirley introduces you to the Assertiveness Model, the first step towards having those conversations and resolving conflict. This is a training session especially for you and your team.

#004 Your Business Life – It’s All About Harmony

In this episode, Shirley shares her journey and evolution to Business Life TV and what business life balance means to her. She’s also joined by Transformational Wizard Jessie Torres as they discuss what it means to be judged and how to overcome it.

#003 Love Your Way Through Adversity


Transformational Guru Jessie Torres is on a mission to help transform the world through love. In this episode, Jessie shares her journey and how she was able to find the gift in the challenges she faced growing up and as a young woman and how being able to love your way through adversity changed everything. Jessie shares some practical in the moment tools and techniques you can use to change your light right away.

#002 I Know What To Do But I Don’t Do It Part 2

Prosperity Mentor Joan Sotkin explains why we can’t get ourselves to do the things we need to do, not just in relation to money but in life generally. Join us as we discuss the neuroscience of habits and strategies to help you create more prosperity in your life or achieve the goals you set.

#001 I Know What To Do But I Don’t Do It Part 1

Prosperity Mentor Joan Sotkin explains why we can’t get ourselves to do the things we need to do, not just in relation to money but in life generally. Join us as we discuss the neuroscience of habits and strategies to help you create more prosperity in your life or achieve the goals you set.

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