Attention: Women who secretly feel inadequate, insecure or lacking confidence
Inside Out – You’re Fabulous
Do you feel like the outside world sees you as successful and yet on the inside you’re crumbling and feeling like a fraud?
Do you experience feelings of inadequacy?
Do you blame yourself and beat yourself up for your perceived failures?
Are you constantly asking yourself what you did to create this?
Me too!
I’m often told how inspiring I am. I’m seen as competent and confident and successful on the outside and yet on the inside I see only my blooper reels and what’s worse, I don’t feel like I can share what’s happening for me on the inside.
My inside definitely doesn’t match the outside and up until now I haven’t allowed myself to face those truths because I was scared of being vulnerable; of going into that space; of losing it all and making up the story that it’s better to hold onto the façade – until you can’t anymore.
You have to own your story and this requires you to step into the spaces where you are raw; into the dark corners to find the beauty, the enoughness, the strength that is in there, but hidden by our limiting beliefs and programs and untruths until you access these, the inside will never match the outside.
I am inviting you to a space to step into; to be raw and authentic and to share and receive support from other women who feel the same way you and I do.
It’s time to own your story and start to debunk the myths that have held you back from who you truly want to be and who you truly are.
This one day workshop “Inside Out – You’re Fabulous” is the start of you realigning with the truth; that you are magnificent, wildly successful, loved and enough.
Attend this workshop and start the journey to match your inside with the outside. Start to own the fact that you are fabulous and begin to see your highlight reels rather than your blooper reels, just as you would with other people.
Join other women who feel the same and who are ready to support you. This is a small intimate group of caring and supportive women; no need to be afraid. Simply come and be loved and accepted and supported.
This is a makeup free day, so please no makeup and wear loose fitting comfortable clothes. We’re working on the inside today, not the outside. You’ll be given tools to help you change and transform into seeing yourself as the confident, courageous, inspiring, fabulous woman that you are.
Inside Out – You’re Fabulous
One day Workshop especially for Women
Date: Sunday 8th October 2017
Savoy Room
New Lambton Community Centre
14 Alma St
New Lambton, NSW
What to Wear: Loose fitting comfortable clothes and NO MAKE-UP please.
If you’re ready for change; ready to grow and learn and transform, I’d love to work with you and support you. Register below.
Need More Information – call or email Shirley on 0402281146 –
This One Day Workshop is for you …
if you’re tired of feeling like you’re not good enough, don’t know enough or that your success and achievements are due to luck or who you know. You might be a mum returning to the workforce. You could be a successful entrepreneur or business owner or leader or manager, yet feel totally insecure. You might have travelled the world and have a whole host of precious experience but feel like you should be further along or you might be a young woman starting out in your career and feeling quite insecure.
This workshop provides the space for you to be totally vulnerable and supported by other like-minded women to help you match your inside feelings with the outside successful fabulous woman that others see. It’s for you if you want to stop feeling like a fraud and own your confidence and courage and self-esteem.
Register now and by all means invite your friends and colleagues
thanks Shirley
One Payment of $400