Leadership Experience


4 Full Days
8:30am to 5:30pm (Sydney time)

Fridays 22, 29 November and 6, 13 December 2024

Newcastle, NSW

Practical Leadership Skills for Practical People.

No Academic Assignments.

 Learn Skills You Can Apply Immediately

Get The Results You Want – FAST!

Book a time to chat about your place in the experience

or call   +61 402 281 146

Why Register Now?

Now more than ever people are looking for leadership – strong leadership!

They want to know that someone is looking out for them.

They want to know that someone is in charge; someone is making the decisions.

Leadership skills are essential, especially in these uncertain times.

This 4 Day Intensive Experience is held face to face, but will maintain social distancing and cleaning protocols to ensure your safety at all times.

We will also have masks and sanitiser on hand if required for any of the activities.

The skills you develop now will last you a lifetime. Not only will they help you navigate these uncertain times, they’ll help you position yourself for the future so you can capitalise on your momentum.

Developing yourself and learning how to understand and REACH your people is an investment that will pay you over and over and over.

The course totally refreshed & rebuilt my understanding of leadership in the 21st century. I feel better equipped to lead than I have ever felt before. I have a toolbox of techniques, together with practice, skills & experience in leadership that I can access & use every day.

Darren Burrowes
Engineering Director
ATSA Defence Services

“Out of 10,000 people I know, I chose Shirley to provide professional development for my executive team. Why? Because I knew Shirley would deliver exactly the outcomes I wanted.
Shirley did a brilliant job.”

Glenn Kirkwood
Franchise Owner


The Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience


The fact that you’re here tells me you’re interested in developing yourself as a leader.
The question you’re most likely asking yourself is “How do I choose the right leadership training program for me?”
The answer is, “It depends on what you’re looking for.”

If you’re looking for practical skills that you can implement straight away without having to complete lengthy academic assignments, then the Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience might be just what you need.

Conducted in your own safe and supportive small group environment – you’ll attend 4 full day workshops in November and December 2024, plus receive individual coaching to accelerate your learning and implementation.

Shirley Dalton

Is It Right For You?

This program is experiential and educational. You’ll learn the skills to be a confident leader – taking responsibility and following through on the right actions. You’ll know exactly what to say and how to say it to your team. You’ll learn how to read your people and understand their motivations, aspirations and different personalities. You’ll also better understand yourself and learn how to manage yourself and your emotions.

The Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience is for you if:

  • You want to navigate the current uncertainty and lead your team to victory
  • You want support from other like-minded individuals
  • You want your workplace to be safe and productive
  • You’re stretched thin by constant requests for help
  • You want to implement change yet your team are resisting
  • You want to expand your knowledge about leadership to help yourself
  • You want to become a strong and confident leader
  • You want to learn more about how to understand and deal with multiple personalities to help them reach their full potential
  • You want to be able to better contribute to the management team
  • You want different ideas on how to manage the things that are thrown at you so you can respond rather than react
  • You want to improve your communication skills
  • and above all, you want to have more confidence in yourself – You Can Do This!
Leading and managing people requires different skills to technical work.
It’s a case of “You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know”.
Without the right type of training, insights and experiences you’ll most likely feel frustrated and out of control and definitely not confident, which is something your team needs right now.
The Leading Yourself and Leading Others Experience is NOT FOR YOU if:

  • you don’t see the importance of stepping up now
  • you don’t want to take on the responsibility of leading your team
  • you want to spend hours on academic study
  • you’re not open to discovering more about yourself and how you show up in the world

The Pathway to Becoming a Great Leader Starts with You

Blueprint for Business Freedom
When you know yourself and accept yourself for who you are, you can then begin to know and understand others and when you know and understand others, you’ll know exactly what people skills to use and when. That’s called Developing People on the Leading Yourself and Leading Others Success Path.

The next stage is to Develop Your Processes. Great leaders are able to delegate and trust others to do the work. When you’ve got clear roles and optimal operations with productive procedures you and your team can achieve great things in record time.

Now that you have the foundations in place, you can focus on Developing Possibilities. You’ll have the time to get clear on your Vision and Goals, knowing that you can communicate in a way that the team understands and engages. You’ll also have the bandwidth to apply tools and techniques to manifest your vision as well as an awareness of and tools to overcome any obstacles that are standing in your way.

When you join the Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience, you’ll be guided along the Leading Yourself and Leading Others Success Path.

How Does It Work?

5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Better You and a Better Leader

Step 1 – Your Integrity and Values Profile
Prior to the first workshop, you will complete an Integrity and Values profile and receive a two-hour face to face feedback session and written report. This standarised and validated psychometric profile looks at 20 traits that dtermine success in leadership, which are clustered in six key areas:

  • Integrity and Values
  • Self-Management
  • Task Focus
  • Relationship Management
  • Vision
  • Impression Management

Normally ($1200)

Step 2 – 4 full day workshops
The experience includes 4 full days workshops (Fridays in November and December). These workshops have been designed to provide maximum learning opportunities, catering for all styles of learning. Workshops are interactive, jam-packed with activities, exercises and group processing and facilitation of your individual issues. Shirley will be leading this experience.

Step 3 – 2 hours face to face individual coaching.
You receive 2 hours face to face individual coaching with Shirley. Shirley will work with you to integrate your learnings and support you through the process.

Step 4 – Mastermind Group Meeting
You will also participate in 1 Mastermind group meeting where you can access the wisdom and experience of your fellow participants. Ask for and give advice on issues raised at the meetings. This is an invaluable opportunity to access your brains trust. Walking away with the templated Agenda, you’ll be able to create your own Mastermind group.

Step 5 – Train the Trainer Resources
Not only will you learn for yourself, you’ll be given the resources to train others in your team and also share with those in your personal life. It is an expectation of the experience that you will share this knowledge. We want you to share to help others improve their relationships too.

Bonus 1 One Year Subscription to the Leading Yourself and Leading Others – THE VAULT
Repetition is mastery. 

Bonus 2 REACH 360 Feedback 
In addition to your own REACH profile to help you understand your own personality and leadership traits, you’ll also receive a REACH 360 Feedback so your team can provide you with valuable feedback on how they perceive your leadership skills.  One of the biggest blindspots for leaders is not knowing how they show up to their team.

Now more than ever the world and your team

need you to step up and be the leader!

About Your Facilitator

Shirley Dalton has over 30+ years’ experience leading and developing people. She is passionate about Personal Development – hers and everybody else’s. As the Chief Operating Officer for an Australian International franchise organisation, Shirley trained and coached over 250 franchisees around Australia as well as 12+ Master Franchisees worldwide and helped the company to grow from 250 to over 600 franchises worldwide.

Since starting her own business in 2006, Shirley has specialised in working with hundreds of small business owners and their teams to help them develop their leadership skills, systemise their businesses and get their lives back. During this time, she has worked with a diverse range of clients including electrical contractors, real estate, jewellers, beauty, financial services, early childhood centres, NDIS service providers and allied health professionals.

Whilst she focuses on practical skills, Shirley also has the academic knowledge and theory having graduated from two universities with degrees in Psychology (B. Applied Science) and Education (B. Ed Hons).

Together with her husband of 30 years, she has travelled the world and invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to study with the Who’s Who of Personal and Business Development, including John Assaraf, Jack Canfield and David Bayer. She is also an accredited instructor for Gordon Training and a Certified Transformational Mindset Facilitator for the David Bayer Methodology.

When you work with Shirley you reap the benefits of world-class training without the financial expense or travel time.

Book a time to chat about your place in the experience

or call   +61 402 281 146

I was the go-to man if you needed something done, I could get a result where others had failed and I didn’t really care how I achieved the desired outcome or who was in the way. Systems, procedures, process and people were just obstacles that needed to be moved. The outcome from this was that I had little or in some cases no respect from my peers and certainly no internal respect and appreciation.

That all changed for me when I was offered a promotion at age 40 to the role of General Manager. My then Managing Director had seen the results I achieved, but he also saw the mess I left behind and added one condition to his offer – I was to spend four hours a week for the next ten weeks with Shirley Dalton. At the time I thought this was rubbish. I didn’t need coaching, I’m the guy that gets things done. Little did I know this would CHANGE MY LIFE. The coaching started and I still thought it was rubbish, it was all about me?; not running a business, not reading the P & L, not making the big calls. I was forced to look at myself and I didn’t like what I was looking at. I fought this until one evening after a coaching session when I was ranting on about my coach my wife said to me – “I don’t know whether she is right or wrong, but I do know she is in your head and she may have a point” Ouch!

From that moment on I realised “this was about me”. Every session after this I learned more about myself, more about what made me tick and how I had an effect on everybody around me. I started to reflect on my life and what was truly important to me. From here I was able to identify my values and by committing to those values I can live with integrity and from integrity comes fulfillment.

This was the biggest challenge I have faced and the MOST REWARDING. It has made an immeasurable difference to all aspects of my life and gave me the tools to “Decide on Purpose”. I now know I get the most fulfillment from helping people grow and reach their potential. My measure of success is no longer about how much money I have or if I closed that big contract, it comes from knowing my values and living by those values, living with integrity. It comes from within.

Mark See, Regional Business Manager – Central, Specialty Fasteners, Global Fasteners, Inenco Group 

What You Will Learn

Day 1
Know Yourself and Know Others

  • Your Mindset is the Key to Everything
  • Strategies to Improve Your Mindset
  • Three Learning Styles
  • Four Stages of Learning
  • Four Relationship Styles
  • 8 Basic Skills
  • The Assertiveness Model
  • Your team’s motivators
  • 10 Blind Spots of Leaders and what to do about them
  • Homework

Day 2
Skill Development

  • Day 1 Review & Homework
  • Your Leadership Style
  • Self-awareness and personal insights
  • The Language of Leadership (how to speak so others understand what you are saying, including templates)
  • Listening Skills (How to Listen to What Your Team are Telling You)
  • How to Have THAT Conversation (the right words to use when you have to hold someone accountable and give negative feedback)
  • Roadblocks to Communication
  • How to Speak Assertively and with Confidence
  • Conflict – the Do’s and Don’ts and How to Resolve
  • Who Owns the Problem and what skills to use when?
  • Understanding Values Collisions and what to do about them

Day 3
Skill Development Continued

  • Day 2 Review & Homework
  • Taking Ownership and Commitment
  • Understanding & Using Power
  • Go for No
  • How to Delegate Easily and Not Feel Guilty
  • Developing High Performance Teams
  • How to Express Your Appreciation in Meaningful Ways
  • Taking Responsibility
  • Leaders are Action Takers
  • From Dependence to Interdependence
  • The Team Development Wheel

Day 4
Putting It All Together

  • Day 3 Review & Homework
  • Synergy and Group Think
  • How Society (and therefore your team) Works
  • Showing Your Appreciation and giving Positive Feedback
  • Checking in with Your Mindset
  • Setting Your Vision
  • The Assertive and Confident Leader Emerges

What This Experience Will Do For You –

In 4 Full Day Workshops You’ll: 

  • Better understand yourself and your people
  • Discover how to hack your mind to create the organisation and team you want
  • Be able to positively interact with your team
  • Use the language of leadership
  • Delegate more easily
  • Be confident to have THAT awkward, uncomfortable conversation
  • Be confident to speak up and be heard
  • Motivate and lead yourself and your team to achieve better results
  • Show appreciation in the ways your team members prefer
  • Discover what gets in your way and what you can do about it
  • Develop greater self awareness
  • Gain clarity, focus and commitment, translating into a bigger bottom line
  • Enjoy improved productivity
  • Enjoy better relationships (at work and at home)
  • Have a portfolio of tools that will last a lifetime
  • Get your life back.
“Hi Shirley & Ross, thanks for an amazing experience! You need to sell this as an experience and not a course! This is your “Purple Cow” (hope you have read this book). This is what sets you apart from every other “intensive leadership” course. The small team environment, the homework (which we failed!!!!!!) the accountability, the hands on coaching is invaluable. Please keep me informed of your ongoing leadership courses as I will definitely send staff at some stage”.

Sharon Glanville
Kotara Montessori Children’s Centre

Take Action NOW to Become a Better Leader

Our next Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience starts
Friday 22nd November, 2024.
It’s an intensive experience, held over 4 days.

Fridays: November 22nd, 29th 2024
Fridays: December 6th, 13th 2024


8:30am to 5:30pm each day

You attend 4 full day workshops

Location:  Mercure Hotel, Cnr Steel and King Streets, Newcastle, NSW

What to Wear: Something Comfortable. Bring a jacket.

It is a life changing event.

Now more than ever the world and your team need you to step up and be the leader!

If you’re ready to get the help you need; ready to grow and learn, ready to navigate these uncertain times and emerge with the team, business, life and/or relationships you’ve always dreamed about, book a time to chat about your place in the experience or call now
+61 402 281 146.

It’s Your Time To Take Action

In 4 Intensive, Experiential days you’ll become not only a better leader, but the skills you learn will last a lifetime and like some of our clients have experienced, you’ll become a better person at home and at work.

“When You Know Better, You Can Do Better”.

“TRUE LEADERSHIP is an inside job.”

Michael Bush, Whalen Co, USA, 

Unlike other business or corporate education programs, Leading Yourself and Leading Others will transform you from the inside, so you can become a better leader.
If you’re ready to go inside and find your gold, book a time to chat or call Shirley now – 0402 281 146.

My Promise to You

I am totally committed to your growth and your success. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the Leading Yourself and Leading Others experience, I will personally coach you 1:1 for a further 3 months, provided you attend all sessions, complete all your homework and actively participate and successfully complete all activities.

Shirley Dalton
Leadership and Personal Development Specialist

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