Did you go into business because you
wanted the freedom of being an entrepreneur?
Did you dream about creating your
ideal business lifestyle…
…but in reality you feel trapped and overworked?

Break From the Chains and Get Your Life Back!

“Let me ask you”

Do you have little or no time for your family, your hobby or just doing things other than working?

Ever feel like the business could run more efficiently but aren’t sure what or how to change it?

Are you constantly putting out fires rather than focusing on growing or improving your business?

Do you feel like you’re spending way too much time dealing with staff issues instead of what’s important?

In fact, you are already working as hard as you can and are near the point of exhaustion and overwhelm. Well, I can relate to this.

Reclaim Your Freedom And Get Your Life Back 

Is your business strangling you?

"97% of Entrepreneurs Have a Business that Feels More Like a Job. Discover the Formula to Finally Getting the Freedom, the Balance, the Wealth, and the Growth You Deserve!"

5 Simple Steps that you can Apply Today


My Story

My parents owned a taxi; mum worked the mornings, dad worked the afternoon and evenings.
There was money but no time; no holidays; no fun. Life was work and work was life.

That’s why I decided to start a movement BusinessFreedomFighters to Fight for your Freedom!

I vowed that our generation of entrepreneurs would not repeat that outcome and that’s why I’ve helped hundreds of business owners just like you to get their businesses under control, make more money and get their lives back by making more and by doing less.

Focusing on developing people, processes and possibilities, I work with you to systematise and streamline your business so it works for you AND your people.

I understand people and business. I’ve got degrees in Psychology and Education and I’ve discovered that by becoming a better leader and empowering your team, you can reduce your direct input to the business income, like some of our clients going from 78% down to 6%, whilst at the same time doubling the team’s contribution. Others have been freed up to enjoy 6 months sailing the Whitsundays in their yacht, while others preferred to sail the Caribbean. It’s YOUR turn NOW!

My mission in life is to inspire, educate and support you to be, do, have and feel what you want.

Sign up for your free guide – 5 Steps to Business Freedom and let’s get started.

Shirley Dalton 

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